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Leaflet Cookbook (Print)


Leaflet Cookbook will guide you in getting started with Leaflet, the leading open-source JavaScript library for creating interactive maps. You’ll move swiftly along from the basics to creating interesting and dynamic web maps.


Recipes for Creating Dynamic Web Maps

by Numa Gremling

Cook up dynamic web maps using the recipes in the Leaflet Cookbook.

Leaflet Cookbook will guide you in getting started with Leaflet, the leading open-source JavaScript library for creating interactive maps. You’ll move swiftly along from the basics to creating interesting and dynamic web maps.

Even if you aren’t an HTML/CSS wizard, this book will get you up to speed in creating dynamic and sophisticated web maps. With sample code and complete examples, you’ll find it easy to create your own maps in no time.

A download package containing all the code and data used in the book is available so you can follow along as well as use the code as a starting point for your own web maps.

Sample Leaflet.js map code for popups and tooltips


  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started
  3. The Map
  4. Map Controls
  5. Raster Layers and Web Services
  6. Vector Layers
  7. Working with GeoJSON
  8. Getters and Setters
  9. Layout and Styling
  10. Events and Event Objects
  11. Geoprocessing with Turf.js
  12. Mobile Development and Geolocation
  13. Databases
  14. Advanced Topics

Numa Gremling

Numa Gremling, author of Leaflet Cookbook at Locate Press}}   
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Numa is a senior GIS developer and team leader at geoSYS in Berlin, Germany. His focuses are web mapping applications and infrastructures, as well as location-based mobile apps.

He also develops plugins for desktop GIS software and teaches several programming and GIS classes.

He has worked on various projects of regional and national scale in Germany, Jamaica, Madagascar, and South Africa.

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